About Us

Nestled in the beautiful Wollombi Valley at the south end of the NSW Hunter Valley, Willow’s Leap is an equestrian training facility offering lessons and horse education.
Open most days each week and weekends, we can cater for individuals or small groups, as well as running regular clinics with both our own Lyndel Taylor and special guest instructors (such as Belinda Bailey and Emma Mason).
Whilst you’re here to learn, the emphasis is on safety and fun as well as challenging you over our wide variety of fences. Our jumps range from ‘Complete Beginner’ (around 40cm) to ‘Wow, that’s getting high!’ (1.05m) - some of the examples are in ‘Our Jumps’ section for you to look at. Worried about your horse bolting on Cross Country? No need to here, as we have several fully fenced paddocks to train in.
Need that special reminder of that MASSIVE leap your horse did over our ditch pallisade? You may be in luck. For many of our clinics our resident photographer Phil will be there to chronicle your day. Have a look at our ‘Photos’ section (and sometimes our Facebook page) and there may already be a picture of you there…
We are fully insured, and always have qualified medical cover on site for your peace of mind.

Lyndel Taylor

Specialising in Eventing and adult beginners/riders returning after time off, she is an EFA Level I Instructor with more than 35 years’ riding experience.
Her first love is cross country, but has spent the last 15 years introducing a selection of green horses (for clients and her own) to the wonders of eventing. She is now regularly joined at events by both pupils, and the horses she’s had here for training.


Lyndel out and about Eventing…

Self-portrait at Tamworth International Event


Phil Janson

Phil works hard behind the scenes to make sure the cross country jumps on site are challenging yet safe, and, along with our show jumps, has built most of them from scratch. He has worked alongside some of Australia’s best jump builders, including training as an EA Technical Delegate and Course Designer, but spends most of his time at events as the medical support.
He is also increasingly experienced in photographing horses, and is responsible for many of the pictures on this site.

Both Lyndel and Phil are also fully qualified emergency doctors, which all goes to making Willow’s Leap one of the safest places to train.

Visit Us

4822 Great North Road
Fernances Crossing, NSW 2325

By appointment only

(02) 49988623


“I just wanted to say a very big THANK YOU for Wednesday’s clinic! It was by far the best cross country schooling I have ever done! Thank you very much for challenging us with tyres, related lines and narrow jumps! Your clinic has set a new bar of standard!

- AP, Newcastle.