Our Services

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Cross Country lessons

Whilst you’re here to learn, the emphasis is on safety and fun as well as challenging you over our wide variety of fences. Our jumps range from ‘Complete Beginner’ (around 40cm) to ‘Wow, that’s getting high!’ (1.05m) - some of the examples are in ‘Our Jumps’ section for you to look at. Worried about your horse bolting on Cross Country? No need to here, as we have several fully fenced paddocks to train in. Helmets and back protectors are compulsory (in line with FEI and EA rules), and you’re always under the supervision of a qualified, insured coach.

For extra piece of mind, we have permanent on-site medical cover.

Lessons start at $80 ($70 each for a group lesson).

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Show Jump Lessons

With a wide variety of show jumps and dedicated grass jump area, we cater for anyone from beginners to those jumping 1m 50. Jumping over that? Awesome. We can recommend some great top show jump instructors for you to contact!

Prices start at $80.



With two well draining grass arenas, and our floodlit sand arena, there’s plenty of space for flatwork lessons; even after dark!

Prices start at $80.

Practice One Day Events

Practice One Day Events

Ride a dressage test, practice your show jumping skills, and do a full cross country course.
Heights available are 45, 60, 80 and 95cm. These days are an opportunity to hone your eventing skills, in a mini event format. All 3 phases, EA rules, but non competitive and a coach on hand to help, should there be any issues. You get a marked dressage test, couple of rounds of show jumping, and a full cross country round. Horses and riders must have schooled cross country, for these days.

Price currently only $90.

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Horse Training

Lyndel has limited time (and space!) to take on horses to train, and specialises in introducing horses to cross country, providing a solid grounding for confident eventers of the future. She also regularly troubleshoots client issues (e.g. can’t get your horse over a ditch? Your horse developing a tendency to run out? Let Lyndel have a go!).

Contact us for pricing and availability.

Bespoke Clinics

Want an immersive experience for you and your horse, here at Willow's Leap? Why not speak to us about what you want/need...



Whether it’s wilderness in which to pitch your tent, a Scandinavian-inspired cabin, or our rammed earth eco lodge that takes your fancy, we’ve got you covered!

Want a weekend away with your horses? We have several safe grassed weekend yards (with automated drinkers) right on the doorstep of your house!

Why not contact us for special discounts on our HipCamping and AirBnB prices when you book in with your horse? Group lessons and bespoke clinics can be arranged for up to 12 people at a time that suits you…


We have a small number of private paddocks for riding agistment, and soon will also be offering affordable, full care spelling agistment (in small, compatible groups). Get in touch for pricing and availability…